4 mai 2021 Looks Patchwork denim & fringe jacket Veste à franges : Vintage, similaire ICIPull : Bershka (acheté cet hiver), même esprit ICIJupe (prise en 34) : ICIBottes (prises en 38 pour mon 38,5) : ICISac : ICI Vous pourriez peut-être aimer :Pull oversize & Denim skirtTerracotta SetLes shoes du loveWhite and Wine
Mounia 23 septembre 2021 / 12:13 I truly love your looks! The pull & bear boots are amazing, but unfortunately out of stock everywhere. Do you have any idea if there are any dupes that you saw recently? Thank you in advance!
FedericaAuteur / autrice 6 octobre 2021 / 17:58 Hello! Yes this year Pull & Bear reedited similar boots 🙂
I truly love your looks! The pull & bear boots are amazing, but unfortunately out of stock everywhere. Do you have any idea if there are any dupes that you saw recently?
Thank you in advance!
Auteur / autrice
Hello! Yes this year Pull & Bear reedited similar boots 🙂